Ysurac / openmptcprouter

OpenMPTCProuter is an open source solution to aggregate multiple internet connections using Multipath TCP (MPTCP) on OpenWrt
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Network dies when 100+ users are using the bonding #3328

Open QCWBradleyGebhardt opened 1 month ago

QCWBradleyGebhardt commented 1 month ago

Expected Behavior

The network stays stable with 100+ users

Current Behavior

The network is stable and usable with 5 users watching videos and some browsing. As soon as we flick the other 100+ users on to it the network stops responding. We were unable to even load the router page when connected to it via ethernet. Web traffic dies as well, with pings somehow still being stable


Bonded links

Watching the htop for the router and the VPS, the router reached a max of around 30% across all 4 cores and the VPS was below 10%. Using nload we could also see that there was traffic flowing (~50Mbps - ~200Mbps+)

The users are behind a Unifi Dream machine that is getting it's internet from the bonding

Router Config

Pastebin Link

Ysurac commented 1 month ago

Can you try to update to latest 0.60 release with 6.1 kernel ?

QCWBradleyGebhardt commented 1 month ago

Will do. I'll get back to you with the results once we've updated and tested again

QCWBradleyGebhardt commented 1 month ago

We've done some of the small scale testing today. After the updates we now notice that the traffic is primarily flowing over whichever link is set as the master link. With only a few KB going over the other links. We left the settings unchanged (besides changing the master links), only running the new tests after the update.

Besides that it's stable so far. We're waiting to fix this issue before doing the large-scale testing.

Settings after the update

QCWBradleyGebhardt commented 2 weeks ago

We've now rolled back to the original versions listed in the issue and traffic is pushing over all the links again