Ysurac / openmptcprouter

OpenMPTCProuter is an open source solution to aggregate multiple internet connections using Multipath TCP (MPTCP) on OpenWrt
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing Port 65280 in Documentation #3332

Closed Fact0ryy closed 1 month ago

Fact0ryy commented 1 month ago

Expected Behavior

That openmptcprouter-v0.60-6.1 works out of the box, and I can trust the documentation and have a secure system.

Current Behavior

I am of the opinion that at least port 65280 TCP is missing in the documentation. This leads to the following two messages appearing in the router without this release on the VPS server: "ShadowSocks Rust is not running" or "Can't get public IP address from ShadowSocks Rust". As soon as I open the port, the messages disappear!

Possible Solution

Open Port TCP/UDP 65280 in VPS

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Setup VPS and open ports with the steps descripted in the doku (without open 65280 TCP/udp )
  2. See the result in the system status

Context (Environment)


Ysurac commented 1 month ago

Added, and XRay/V2Ray ports also added in the doc. It's easier to open range 65000-65535 Thanks

Fact0ryy commented 1 month ago

Added, and XRay/V2Ray ports also added in the doc. It's easier to open range 65000-65535 Thanks

Thank you for the update in the documentation. I noticed a small typo in the listing:

Xray port is [...], 652551, [..] VLESS-Reality is used (TCP)

I suspect that a 5 is too much.

Ysurac commented 1 month ago

fixed, thanks