Ysurac / openmptcprouter

OpenMPTCProuter is an open source solution to aggregate multiple internet connections using Multipath TCP (MPTCP) on OpenWrt
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Aggregation Not working as Expected #3371

Open Yessine1200 opened 1 month ago

Yessine1200 commented 1 month ago

Expected Behavior

Link Aggregation maximizes the capacity across all connections. (35-45M)

Current Behavior

It seems like connections are always getting slowed down(for 4G SFR and private 5G)

Lan1 : 4G ORANGE - 10,7M

Capture d’écran 2024-05-22 à 12 07 49

Lan2: 4G SFR (very slow)

Capture d’écran 2024-05-22 à 11 54 24

Private 5G - 13,8M

Capture d’écran 2024-05-22 à 11 56 46

Aggregation - 11,4M

Capture d’écran 2024-05-22 à 12 04 20 Capture d’écran 2024-05-22 à 12 04 00 It seems that the aggregation is working fine, but with limited speed for the two connections (SFR and Private 5G)

Status page

Capture d’écran 2024-05-22 à 11 49 33


Ysurac commented 1 month ago

You seems to have a high load average on the BPI-R64. You can try to add/remove connections, to check if a connection is not limiting aggregated speed. What is the proxy used ?

Yessine1200 commented 1 month ago

high load average is related to the RAM ? Shadowsocks Rust for the proxy.

Ysurac commented 1 month ago

It's related to CPU. Encryption can be CPU intensive.

Yessine1200 commented 4 weeks ago

Hello Ysurac Is it possible that one connection could block the other connection from using all its throughput?

Ysurac commented 4 weeks ago

Should not, but this can happen

Yessine1200 commented 4 weeks ago

or can be related to the router ?

Ysurac commented 4 weeks ago

yes this can be. BPI-R64 have a slow CPU.

Yessine1200 commented 4 weeks ago

Because for now, when I aggregate two 4G connections, it works perfectly. I get the correct aggregation, and it's stable. Capture d’écran 2024-05-29 à 15 30 22

But when I try to aggregate the private 5G standalone and 4G connection, I notice that the 4G connection blocks the 5G standalone. However, when I run the command omr-test-speed lan2, I can get the correct throughput of the 5G connection which is 130Mpbs. Capture d’écran 2024-05-29 à 15 39 49

This is why I mentioned that one connection might block the other connection based on the results that I got.

Ysurac commented 4 weeks ago

You can try to run omr-test-speed lan2 and omr-test-speed the4ginterface at the same time, to check the result.

Yessine1200 commented 4 weeks ago

I first launched omr-test-speed lan2 for the 5G standalone: Capture d’écran 2024-05-29 à 16 02 05

After 2 minutes, I launched omr-test-speed lan1 for the 4G connection without stopping the speed test for the 5G connection, and I observed that the throughput of the 5G connection decreased as shown below. Capture d’écran 2024-05-29 à 16 03 57

Ysurac commented 4 weeks ago

I think you have a congestion point somewhere on the network.

Yessine1200 commented 4 weeks ago

And you know how can I find this problem ?

Ysurac commented 4 weeks ago

by checking where can be the bottleneck on the network, if there is something shared with both network.

Yessine1200 commented 4 weeks ago

Doesn't the BBRv3 algorithm prevent this from happening?

Ysurac commented 4 weeks ago

If it's not possible to have a higher speed due to a bottleneck, no algorithm can do anything.

Yessine1200 commented 3 weeks ago

by checking where can be the bottleneck on the network, if there is something shared with both network.

No, there is nothing shared in my network. I am using two different ISPs. It's really weird that I have this issue.

Ysurac commented 3 weeks ago

I don't know what your 5G network is using as source ISP/network type. Difficult to say anything about that. You can test network using 2 phones or devices connected to both network and check the same way if you have same problem or not.

Yessine1200 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello Ysurac, I tested again this morning, and it's working fine. I think the problem was with the Banana Pi. Now, I am trying to activate the WiFi on the Banana Pi. I followed your documentation and successfully activated it, but when I try to connect a phone to it, I can't. However, I can see in the dashboard that it's connected. Capture d’écran 2024-06-03 à 10 25 05