Ysurac / openmptcprouter

OpenMPTCProuter is an open source solution to aggregate multiple internet connections using Multipath TCP (MPTCP) on OpenWrt
GNU General Public License v3.0
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I want install the OPENMPTCPROUTER on a Proliant DL360 Gen10 plus #3377

Open Gregg03 opened 1 month ago

Gregg03 commented 1 month ago


I want install the server on my Proliant DL360 Gen10 plus, it's posible ?

If it's posible what image can I use for the installation, the server it's a x86-64 it's use UEFI.

QatarMo commented 4 weeks ago

i have it running on a Dell R630 UEFI,,you need to 1.install the latest Debian 12 then update it 2.Run the server script then reboot

i have only 1x 10G eathernet on this R630

Gregg03 commented 4 weeks ago

Isn't this the command I need to enter on my server to install openmptcprouter?

gunzip openmptcprouter-.img.gz dd bs=4M if=openmptcprouter-.img of=/dev/sdX conv=fsync

Ysurac commented 4 weeks ago

For the router part yes. Via an USB key for example.

Ysurac commented 4 weeks ago

You can use https://download.openmptcprouter.com/release/v0.60-6.1/x86_64/targets/x86/64/openmptcprouter-v0.60-6.1-r0+24843-acf40c022e-x86-64-generic-ext4-combined-efi.img.gz

Gregg03 commented 4 weeks ago

I will try and I will tell you

Alison110 commented 4 weeks ago

Proliant DL360 Gen10 plus

How can I install oopenmptcprouter on (Netgear wndr4300 v1 and mi 4A gigabit) my friends Router's? They currently have OpenWrt 23.05. Does anybody know overall steps?

Ysurac commented 4 weeks ago

@Alison110 it's not related to this issue. And these devices are not supported, you will need to compile it yourself: https://github.com/Ysurac/openmptcprouter/wiki/Create-image-for-unsupported-platform