YuDeng / Portrait-4D

Portrait4D: Learning One-Shot 4D Head Avatar Synthesis using Synthetic Data (CVPR 24); Portrait4D-v2: Pseudo Multi-View Data Creates Better 4D Head Synthesizer (ECCV 2024)
MIT License
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Failed to build psbody-mesh #8

Open 927087638 opened 2 days ago

927087638 commented 2 days ago

encountered a build failure while compiling the psbody-mesh........

YuDeng commented 2 days ago

Hi, it seems that the python version is too high for the psbody-mesh library. Can you try to downgrade python to 3.9 or 3.8 and see if it works?

Alternatively, since psbody-mesh is only used for data processing and does not affect inference, you can simply skip this part if the problem still exists.