YuLab-SMU / ChIPseeker

:dart: ChIP peak Annotation, Comparison and Visualization
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No. of promoters in peaks / No of promoters in whole genome #50

Open girdhar3 opened 7 years ago

girdhar3 commented 7 years ago


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girdhar3 commented 7 years ago

I want to calculate percentage of promoters in my peaks as total number of promoters in whole genome. I want to do this analysis for all other annotated regions. how can I do this? I have figured out for promoters, introns, exons , 5utr, 3utr. How do you do for downstream and distal intergenic regions? to No. of promoters in peaks / No of promoters in whole genome

spooner1 commented 6 years ago

Maybe not the same, but points in the same direction... Is it possible, to add the "normal" distribution of features to "plotAnnoBar"? Then possible enrichments in regions, e.g. the Promoterregions, could be determined by this plot.