YuLab-SMU / MicrobiotaProcess

:microbe: A comprehensive R package for deep mining microbiome
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Errors with the differential abundance analysis results #12

Open BinhongLiu opened 4 years ago

BinhongLiu commented 4 years ago

Dear Yu, Thanks for the development of this wonderful package, which can help me a lot with the microbiome data analysis. It came an error showed that "Error in get_call(obj, "classgroup") : 缺少参数"argres",也没有缺省值" when showed the differ result after the diff_analysis analysis. Also, I can not plot the differ result analyzed from the demo data kostic2012crc. The error is still there after I update the package to the development version from github. Could you help me with this error, please? Thank you! Hongbin Liu

xiangpin commented 4 years ago

Because you don't provide code, I don't know the details. But I guess you used old parameter class. The parameter had been replaced classgroup.

BinhongLiu commented 4 years ago

Yeah, you were right! I just tried the test script here https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iHcQpKs5Jo28Q_FiAzdTuw. The parameter should be classgroup, but not class. Thanks!

xiangpin commented 4 years ago

Please refer the Document in https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/MicrobiotaProcess.html