Open Jawen-D opened 2 years ago
We have updated the MicrobiotaProcess
based on the tidy framework
. We recommend using the newest released version (v.1.8.2) of MicrobiotaProcess
to analyze the microbiome dataset.
- wanted to visualize the taxonomy based on a specific level and arrange the samples based on their abundance You can use
to visualize it.library(MicrobiotaProcess) MicrobiotaProcess v1.9.3.993 For help:
If you use MicrobiotaProcess in published research, please cite the paper:
S Xu, L Zhan, W Tang, Z Dai, L Zhou, T Feng, M Chen, S Liu, X Fu, T Wu, E Hu, G Yu. MicrobiotaProcess: A comprehensive R package for managing and analyzing microbiome and other ecological data within the tidy framework. 04 February 2022, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square []
This message can be suppressed by: suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(MicrobiotaProcess))
data(mouse.time.mpse) mouse.time.mpse
A MPSE-tibble (MPSE object) abstraction: 4,142 × 11
OTU=218 | Samples=19 | Assays=Abundance | Taxonomy=Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
OTU Sample Abundance time Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
1 OTU_1 F3D0 579 Early k__Bac… p__Ba… c__B… o__B… f__Mu… g__u… s__un_… 2 OTU_2 F3D0 345 Early k__Bac… p__Ba… c__B… o__B… f__Mu… g__u… s__un_… 3 OTU_3 F3D0 449 Early k__Bac… p__Ba… c__B… o__B… f__Mu… g__u… s__un_… 4 OTU_4 F3D0 430 Early k__Bac… p__Ba… c__B… o__B… f__Mu… g__u… s__un_… 5 OTU_5 F3D0 154 Early k__Bac… p__Ba… c__B… o__B… f__Ba… g__B… s__un_… 6 OTU_6 F3D0 470 Early k__Bac… p__Ba… c__B… o__B… f__Mu… g__u… s__un_… 7 OTU_7 F3D0 282 Early k__Bac… p__Ba… c__B… o__B… f__Mu… g__u… s__un_… 8 OTU_8 F3D0 184 Early k__Bac… p__Ba… c__B… o__B… f__Ri… g__A… s__un_… 9 OTU_9 F3D0 45 Early k__Bac… p__Ba… c__B… o__B… f__Mu… g__u… s__un_… 10 OTU_10 F3D0 158 Early k__Bac… p__Ba… c__B… o__B… f__Mu… g__u… s__un_… # … with 4,132 more rows # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows ``` if you want to rarefy the community, you can use mp_rrarefy first (The column of specified .abundance should be integer). All samples will be rarefied to the smallest depth number in all samples. ``` p <- mouse.time.mpse %>% mp_rrarefy(.abundance=Abundance) %>% mp_plot_abundance(.abundance=RareAbundance, .group=time, taxa.class=Phylum, topn=30, width=3/5) p ``` ![XX1](
if you want to adjust the order of sample names, you can re-factor the Sample column.
> yourwant <- sample(colnames(mouse.time.mpse))
> p$data %<>% dplyr::mutate(Sample=factor(Sample, levels=yourwant))
> p
if you want to visualize the original abundance based on the .abundance
column, you can add force=T
and relative=F
>f <- mouse.time.mpse %>% mp_plot_abundance(.abundance=Abundance, .group=time, taxa.class=Phylum, topn=30, width=3/5, force=T, relative=F)
> f
- Also, I was able to create a PCA and PCoA plot. How can I add the sample names on each dot in plot?
you can use mp_cal_pca
or mp_cal_pcoa
and mp_plot_ord
the visualize the result. you can specify the show.sample=TRUE
in the mp_plot_ord
to add the sample names. You can use ?mp_plot_ord
to view the help information. Or you can run example('mp_plot_ord', run.dontrun=T)
to do run the function quickly.
> f2 <- mouse.time.mpse %>% mp_cal_pcoa(.abundance=Abundance, distmethod='aitchison', pseudocount=1) %>% mp_plot_ord(.group=time, show.sample=T)
> f2
- Lastly, I was able to make violin plots for the alpha diversity matrices. How can I make same plot for the abundance between the two study groups?
you can use mp_cal_alpha
and mp_plot_alpha
to do this.
> f3 <- mouse.time.mpse %>% mp_rrarefy(.abundance=Abundance) %>% mp_cal_alpha(.abundance=RareAbundance) %>% mp_plot_alpha(.group=time, .alpha=c(Observe, Shannon, Pielou))
> library(ggplot2)
> f3 + scale_fill_manual(values=c('deepskyblue', 'orange')) + scale_color_manual(values=c('deepskyblue', 'orange'))
More vignettes can be found in this.
Is there any easy way to assign a universal color pattern for taxa between different MPSEs?
I need to make a consistent figure legend for different plots.
I need help in arranging my samples based on their abundance (highest to lowest). I followed this script:
classtaxa <- get_taxadf(obj=ps, taxlevel=3) classtaxa1 <- get_alltaxadf(obj=ps, taxlevel=3)
pclass <- ggbartax(obj=classtaxa, facetNames="Group") + xlab(NULL) + ylab("relative abundance (%)") + scale_fill_manual(values=c(colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12,"Set3"))(31))) + guides(fill= guide_legend(keywidth = 0.5, keyheight = 0.5)) pclass
I was able to produce this bar plot:
however the samples are arranged alphabetically by default. Is there a way to rearrange them according to their abundance(highest to lowest)?