YuLab-SMU / aplot

Decorate a plot with associated information
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whether need to define operators acting on aplot class? #21

Open xiangpin opened 1 year ago

xiangpin commented 1 year ago

The insert_right, insert_top etc will return aplot class (eg. p ), which is composed of multiple subplots. They can be extracted using p$plotlist[[1]] etc. And the theme, scale and others of subplot can be adjusted using p$plotlist[[1]] <- p$plotlist[[1]] + xxx. Whether need to define operators acting on this class, then users can use p[[1]] to extract the subplot?

GuangchuangYu commented 1 year ago

That's a nice idea.

I think the best way is to employ the gglist. However, it needs a lot of changes and may introduce new bugs.

Currently, we can define the [[.aplot method to extract the subplot. Go ahead to do it.