YuLab-SMU / enrichplot

Visualization of Functional Enrichment Result
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cnet plot wont show foldchange #177

Open deevdevil88 opened 2 years ago

deevdevil88 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I am using the latest version of enrichplot and clusterProfiler from github. For some reason the cnetplot and heatmap function dont show the Foldchange even if i provide it as a named vector which has been sorted in decreasing order. The nodes are just coloured grey. i have included my code to generate the named numeric vector and the code for the cnetplot

fc_neuron <- Neuronal_treatment_dge[,9]

names(fc_neuron) <- as.character(Neuronal_treatment_dge[,7])

fc_neuron <- sort(fc_neuron, decreasing=T)

cnetplot(go_ora_neuron_simplified,colorEdge=T, node_label ='category', color_category="firebrick", cex_label_category = 0.5, layout='dh',foldChange = fc_neuron) `


baishengjun commented 2 years ago

encounter the same issue, but it works when I use the test sample

GuangchuangYu commented 2 years ago

a reproducible example is wanted.