YuLab-SMU / enrichplot

Visualization of Functional Enrichment Result
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Use this package with Seurat? #276

Open jcasadogp opened 3 months ago

jcasadogp commented 3 months ago


I have seen a very interesting reading using enrichplot in Visualization of functional enrichment result and I wanted to ask if there is a way of applying these codes to a Seurat object.

In concrete, from a Seurat object, I usually get DF of genes and pathways differentially expressed between conditions with columns like "PValue", "FDR", "NES", "logFC", ... and I wanted to use the plots of enrichplot package, but I haven't found the way

Thank you in advance!


GuangchuangYu commented 1 month ago

You need to specify your needs. I have no idea of what you want to get.