YuLab-SMU / enrichplot

Visualization of Functional Enrichment Result
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Generalize plotting functions to allow use on external results #31

Open khughitt opened 4 years ago

khughitt commented 4 years ago


Is there any chance you could add an method to apply enrichPlot methods to results generated via external tools?

clusterProfiler and other packages created by your lab already support a number of useful over-representation / GSEA methods, however, there are a very large number of alternative methods and new ones coming out on a regular basis (fgsea, is one I've been using a lot for it's performance and flexibility w.r.t. annotations). It would be great if there were a way to use to nice plotting methods you have developed here on results from some of those methods.

One possible approach might be to split each move most of the plotting functionality for each method into a private method. Two alternative methods could then sit on top of those -- one that maintains the current interface so that code can continue working as-is, and an alternative version of each method that can be used on results from arbitrary methods, so long as the user provides the needed information.

Another possible approach would be to provide one or more public constructors for the enrichResults class, so that typical results from other methods could be easily used to construct an enrichResult instance, which could then be used with the existing plotting functionality.

Thanks for all of your work on these useful packages!

BrianLohman commented 4 years ago


I second the request for these plotting tools to be able to use input from fgsea.



dwill023 commented 4 years ago

Me too! but I would also like to input a dataframe of my own GO list similar to the output of an enrichResult for generating a cnetplot.

I like the visualization of the cnetplot but I have some GO terms that I got from g:Profiler that I would like to use for this plot.

Thanks, Desiree

ederisoud commented 4 years ago


I am interested in generalization of the plotting too. I would be very happy if I could use enrichplot to do the vizualization of my data

Thank you
