YuLab-SMU / ggtree

:christmas_tree:Visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees
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Feature request: More control over gheatmap border size #435

Open ammaraziz opened 3 years ago

ammaraziz commented 3 years ago


Dear GuangchuangYu,

Thank you for creating ggtree it's a fantastic package. I have a feature request for gheatmap. Currently there is an argument to control the total width of the heatmap, where by each cell is adjusted to the total relative size of the heatmap:

width - total width of heatmap, compare to width of tree

My feature request is more control over the borders if it's possible. For example, only display horizontal borders, cell border size or width (not the cell size).

As per this discussion: https://groups.google.com/g/bioc-ggtree/c/mUGHhHVgFwM/m/1_G_1U4SBgAJ

You can set color = NA to remove the border complete but another argument in my opinion is needed, eg show_border=TRUE to enable/disable the borders.

I know this issue has been brought up a few times in the past (eg in the google groups), so apologies if I have missed something but I don't think this option exists. If it does can you demonstrate how to increase the cell border width?