YuLab-SMU / ggtree

:christmas_tree:Visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees
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HMP_tree raw data? availability #590

Open MjelleLab opened 10 months ago

MjelleLab commented 10 months ago

Hi, where can I find the following data:

tree <- read.tree("data/HMP_tree/hmptree.nwk") the abundance and types of microbes dat1 <- read.csv("data/HMP_tree/tippoint_attr.csv") the abundance of microbes at different body sites. dat2 <- read.csv("data/HMP_tree/ringheatmap_attr.csv") the abundance of microbes at the body sites of greatest prevalence. dat3 <- read.csv("data/HMP_tree/barplot_attr.csv")

xiangpin commented 10 months ago

here. You can use git clone https://github.com/YuLab-SMU/plotting-tree-with-data-using-ggtreeExtra.git to clone the repo.