YuLab-SMU / ggtree

:christmas_tree:Visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees
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Same name on one tree (2 copies), add links to another tree problem #610

Open jianshu93 opened 6 months ago

jianshu93 commented 6 months ago

Hello ggtree team,

I have a special case for co-phylogeny (add links between 2 trees): I have 2 copies of the same gene with some divergency for the gene tree, a genome tree and I want to map gene tree to genome tree by name, so 2 genes will map to the same genome in the genome tree. Now by default, links were added within the first tree but not between 2 trees (see attached pdf format tree). Seems to be a bug to me or there is some parameter settings that I do not know. I attached 2 trees. I followed the example usage here: https://arftrhmn.net/how-to-make-cophylogeny/

Let me know how I can do it.

Many thanks!



narG_OMZ_SAR11_aligned_new.tre.zip OMZ_SAG_SAR11_gottree_new.tre.zip