YuLab-SMU / scatterpie

:art: scatter pie plot
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Problem to overlay a scatter pie with geom_raster #11

Closed tomgrev closed 4 years ago

tomgrev commented 6 years ago


I am plotting a map using the geom_raster function. Mya data frame "Cruisedf" contains 3 columns: lon, lat and Values. My cooler palette was extracted from the raster of my map generated with dismo.

When I try to plot my pie charts on top of the map created with geom_raster, I have the following error: Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale

I could not find another way to have a nice satellite map with the right area on the map that allows me to add pie charts on the map.

Could you help me?

Thanks ggplot()+ geom_raster(data=Cruisedf, aes(x=long,y=lat, fill=Values),show.legend = FALSE)+ scale_fill_gradientn(colors=color_palette)+ labs(title="2015 Arctic Microbiome Sampling Cruise")+ geom_scatterpie(data=CommunityPerc, aes(x=Long,y=Lat), cols=c(Phyla))+ labs(title="2015 Arctic Microbiome Sampling Cruise")

xzhuo commented 5 years ago

I don't know if you still need this. I came across the same problem and I found a solution with the ggnewscale package: https://eliocamp.github.io/codigo-r/2018/09/multiple-color-and-fill-scales-with-ggplot2/ . Basically just insert the new_scale("fill") between the geom_raster and geom_scatterpie.

JoseEchave commented 4 years ago

@xzhuo Thanks! Worked like a charm.