YuanHusband / CNS

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Homework #1 Feedback #1

Closed rquarry closed 1 year ago

rquarry commented 1 year ago

Awesome job Baggy, hope you learned something extra in completing #5. You.........own a Buick?? Figured you more of a Jeep person.

You can close this issue once you read it.

Graded Items:

  1. Make a homework 1 submission folder in your CNS repository from Lab 1 and commit/push your Vagrantfile, html files, and script files. [2 points]
  2. Create a README.md file in your repo to serve as your homework submission document. Include your name, class, and date. Use markdown formatting to leverage use of various size headings, text styling, lists, etc to produce a professional look. [2 points]
  3. Create sub-headings for the two tutorials you completed for this assignment. Provide a brief summary and link screenshots in the document that demonstrate your work. Be sure to use the exclamation point ! to display the image. [2 points]
  4. Choose one of the following Vagrant provisioners: Shell, Ansible, Ansible Local, Chef Solo, Puppet Apply, or Salt. Consult the Vagrant documentation link in the first paragraph and other web sources to produce a one paragraph description under an additional sub-heading of your document. Your description should include the basics of the technology such as what file/document formats it uses and what key terms are associated. [2.5 points]
  5. Review the Vagrant [Provisioners] documentation on the File provisioner. Identify a folder on your host machine to copy to a guest and use what you've ready to make it happen. Update the Vagrantfile in your repo to use the File provisioner to copy the files to the guest, use Vagrant to reload the VM, and post a screenshot of the successful file copy to your document [1.5 points]
YuanHusband commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback. My grandparents gave it to me.

YuanHusband commented 1 year ago
