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Homework #5 Feedback #5

Closed rquarry closed 11 months ago

rquarry commented 11 months ago

Nice work Baggy, I'm pumped you completed the last portion and found it interesting.

  1. Make a homework 5 folder in your GitHub repository, with a professionally formatted README.md file (Use markdown formatting), that contains your name, class, and date. Commit/push all files related to this homework assignment to the repository. [1 points]
  2. Under a sub-heading of your README, provide task information from section 2 of this homework. [4 points]
  3. Under a sub-heading of your README, provide task information from section 3 of this homework. [3.5 points]
  4. Under a sub-heading of your README, provide task information from section 4 of this homework. [1.5 points]