YuanHusband / CNS

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Homework #6 Feedback #6

Closed rquarry closed 11 months ago

rquarry commented 11 months ago

Nice "certifate" submission. It seems like you chose to exclude a rather useful event ID......wouldn't failures be something you would want to see!?

Isn't supposed to be input.conf?

  1. Make a homework 6 folder in your GitHub repository, with a professionally formatted README.md file (Use markdown formatting), that contains your name, class, and date. Commit/push files and all files related to this homework assignment to the repository [1 point]
  2. Under a sub-heading of your README, provide information on what Splunk training course you took via a short write-up of ~200 words [3 points]
  3. Push your Splunk course certificate of completion to your repository [1 point]
  4. Under a sub-heading of your README, provide a description of the Windows Event ID that you chose to exclude from logging [1 point]
  5. Push your groups updated input.conf file, that was created in the SIEM Tuning section, to your repo [2 point]
  6. Under a sub-heading of your README, provide a screen shot of the input.conf in the proper file system location on your Domain NUC or virtual workstation [1 points]