YuanHusband / CNS

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Homework #7 Feedback #7

Open rquarry opened 10 months ago

rquarry commented 10 months ago

You located a really cool exploit, wish you could have got it working on your network! Overall good explanation of the exploit details although more information on the "malicious file" is expected at this point (mentioning a trojan, RAT, reverse shell, etc). You could have also mentioned Msfvenom which is literally listed in the exploit db page. Also, what is the CVE severity number?

  1. Make a homework 7 folder in your GitHub repository, with a professionally formatted README.md file (Use markdown formatting), that contains your name, class, and date. Commit/push files and all files related to this homework assignment to the repository [1 point]
  2. Under a sub-heading of your README, provide information detailed in the [Research a Vulnerable Service] section via a short write-up of ~200 words [6 points]
  3. Under a sub-heading of your README, write up a description of the CVE and CWE details that you found in the [Locate Vulnerability Information] section. Your description should be between 50 - 100 words. [1 point]
  4. Receive instructor approval for exploit/vulnerability approach by COB 24 OCT [1 point]

missing details of what that attack means and how it works