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Homework #8 Feedback #8

Open rquarry opened 10 months ago

rquarry commented 10 months ago

Woah....I need to look into my social media presence. Some of these are a surprise...potentially not me. Cool tool baggy!

  1. Make a homework 8 folder in your GitHub repository, with a professionally formatted README.md file (Use markdown formatting), that contains your name, class, and date. Commit/push files and all files related to this homework assignment to the repository. [2 points]
  2. Under a sub-heading of your README, provide information detailed in the Research a Security Tool section via a short write-up of ~200 words. Information on the protocol used, links and explanation of where the tool is acquired (e.g. github, Microsoft, etc), description of program features, and at least one screenshot of the tool running on your machine are required for full credit. [2 points]
  3. Under a sub-heading of your README, write up a description and include screenshots of the steps taking to accomplish the Demonstrate Use of the Chosen Tool section. Your images must clearly depict steps that are described in text as well as describing the output or outcome of that was accomplished. 3.5 points for easy