YuanTian1991 / ChAMP

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Information for champ.GSEA() #27

Open shwetagodbole opened 2 years ago

shwetagodbole commented 2 years ago


Thank for developing ChAMP for methylation analysis. I was processing my methylation data for 165 samples belonging to various subgroups/ phenotypes, so I have nearly 45 contrasts created. I had a few questions:

  1. Can I get a list of DMPs between all groups and not just specified contrasts?
  2. Since I have a lot of contrasts, when I run champ.DMR() I also get ~300 different DMRs for each contrast, I was wondering if there is a way to filter out the most significant DMRs then? Also DMR$bumphunter gives a smaller list of DMRs, are these the DMRs between all phenotypes?
  3. When performing GSEA using "fischer" as method, it will use all DMPs and cpg in DMRs ( which looks like it uses DMR$bumphunter) , however for all contrasts it returns same list of pathways, I would expect maybe a different list for different contrasts, no? Maybe I should also specify the DMRs separately?

I really look forward to your response and maybe a good tutorial for the huge amount of really useful information your package produces :)

Many thanks in advance,

Best, Shweta