YuanTian1991 / ChAMP

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Add gene change direction for ebGSEA genes #30

Open YuanTian1991 opened 1 year ago

YuanTian1991 commented 1 year ago

These are current output for ebGSEA. There is no gene change direction (up/down) contains.

> myebayGSEA$
myebayGSEA$EnrichGene  myebayGSEA$GSEA        myebayGSEA$gtResult
> dim(myebayGSEA$gtResult)
[1] 18986     5
> head(myebayGSEA$gtResult)
              p-value Statistic Expected  Std.dev #Cov
GRK7     1.411254e-06  85.64088 14.28571 15.94448   25
C22orf46 3.530861e-06  58.48475 14.28571 10.70959    8
OAF      4.776816e-06  72.78190 14.28571 13.65584   16
ZNF492   7.767442e-06  66.71053 14.28571 12.28758    7
BOC      1.024469e-05  72.91582 14.28571 13.39256   33
ZNF280B  1.234503e-05  66.31476 14.28571 12.28243   13

Better add the information to gtResult.