YuanhaoGong / CurvatureFilter

Curvature Filters are efficient solvers for Variational Models
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formula of gaussian curvature filter? #11

Open Rongnian opened 3 years ago

Rongnian commented 3 years ago

Dear Dr. Yuanhao Gong, Thanks for your code. But I have a question about the GC filter. In your thesis, Algorithm 11 (also Algorithm 1 in the TIP paper) defines the projection distance of Pg as: d5=U(i-1,j) + U(i,j-1) - U(i-1,j-1) - U(i,j) However, in your code it becomes d5=[U(i-1,j) + U(i,j-1) + U(i-1,j-1)]/3 - U(i,j) I think these two formulas are different, but which one is correct?