“To the best of our knowledge, we first present a live system that generates personalized photorealistic talking-head animation only driven by audio signals at over 30 fps. ” 这很牛啊,可是代码呢?
README里面说的demo运行的不是REAL TIME 啊?
“ Given an arbitrary input audio stream, our system generates personalized and photorealistic talking-head animation in real-time.”
“To the best of our knowledge, we first present a live system that generates personalized photorealistic talking-head animation only driven by audio signals at over 30 fps. ” 这很牛啊,可是代码呢? README里面说的demo运行的不是REAL TIME 啊?
“ Given an arbitrary input audio stream, our system generates personalized and photorealistic talking-head animation in real-time.” 可是demo.py输入的是音频文件,不是音频流啊?