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Feature Request | Please support DSC #409

Closed prnam closed 2 years ago

prnam commented 2 years ago

Hey Team, India has this mandate need of DSC for any individual or business who needs to sign docs, patent, e-tendering etc. These days they are providing something called ProxyKey, I wanted Yubi Key support and hoping I can have everything in one key i.e Yubi Key.

Link to know more about DSC: https://mca.gov.in/MinistryV2/digitalsignaturecertificate.html Diff Signature & Encryption from CA: https://www.e-mudhra.com/Type-of-certificates.html#encryprtioncertificate MCA DSC info: https://mca.gov.in/MinistryV2/acquiredsc.html

This may be good feature add-on for your company, that you can share with your management. But you need work with MCA to get you listed on certificate authority.