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Merge Dave Pham's edits for WebAuthnKit v2 with the master branch of d.y.c. #420

Closed sebastianelfors closed 2 years ago

sebastianelfors commented 2 years ago

Merge Dave Pham's edits for WebAuthnKit v2 with the master branch of d.y.c.

For Luke to review and approve.

davePham commented 2 years ago

Updated Attestation text and resolved conflict

sebastianelfors commented 2 years ago

@davePham, the changes have now been published at developers.yubico.com. It looks great, but there are some details that need to be fixed.

Please remove or hide the following folders:



And please minimize the image sizes at https://developers.yubico.com/Developer_Program/WebAuthn_Starter_Kit/Platform_and_Roaming_Authenticators.html