Yubico / yubikey-piv-manager

Tool for configuring your PIV-enabled YubiKey
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Import from certificate+private key as PEM creates unusable key, works when importing as PKCS12 #6

Closed hiviah closed 7 years ago

hiviah commented 8 years ago

Let's have three keys files: 2048-bit private key, client certificate and CA certificate client.key, client.crt a ca.crt. Let's import it into slot 9c.

This makes an unusable key:

  1. cat client.crt client.key > cert_key.pem
  2. import the result into slot 9c in the manager
  3. test it, e.g. with pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opensc-pkcs11.so -t -l -p MYPIN - it fails (I got CKR_DATA_INVALID as error)

Importing the same cert/key pair as PKCS#12 works though:

  1. openssl pkcs12 -export -out cert_key.p12 -inkey client.key -in client.crt -certfile ca.crt -nodes
  2. import into slot 9c in the manager
  3. test it again with pkcs11-tool, now the signature generation works
dainnilsson commented 8 years ago

Importing PEM files containing multiple objects isn't supported. You can import the two files separately.

Edit: To clarify what is happening: Only the first object is being imported (the cert), so there is no key in the slot, and thus it is not usable.

hiviah commented 8 years ago

OK I can confirm this. If I split them and import twice, it works.

Also, if the certificate contains some extra text outside the ---BEGIN CERTIFICETE--- end ---END CERTIFICATE---, it may fail with "Certificate is to large to fit in buffer."

So it basically seems that PIV manager needs to do some sanity checks on the files before importing them.

dagheyman commented 7 years ago

Support for PEM files including both a certificate and a private key is now added, and will be included in the next release.

lvandenb commented 6 years ago

Importing pem files containing cert + priv key is working. But importing pfx is not working. I used xca and I used Microsoft certificate manager, no way. pem with key and no password : yes