Yubico / yubikit-android

Yubico Mobile Android SDK - YubiKit
Apache License 2.0
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Update Spotbugs GitHub action #144

Closed AdamVe closed 5 months ago

AdamVe commented 5 months ago
  1. Bumps the versions of spotbugs and spotbugs gradle plugin to most recent.

  2. Forces true result for the spotbugs invocations (in the sarif files this is a property in runs[].invocations called executionSuccessful). The reason is that there is a bug in find-sec-bugs which causes warnings/errors similar to

    The following classes needed for analysis were missing:

    and makes the invocation to fail (with exit code 3 and execution successful false). Github is reading the value of executionSuccessful and reports it as


    Forcing execution successful to true removes the error status and we can still browse all the reports in the security scanning view.