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PEM-encoded Elliptic Curve public key conversion iOS #120

Closed Chralu closed 1 year ago

Chralu commented 1 year ago

In an iOS application, I would like to calculate a PIV secret.

To do so, I receive the peer PEM-encoded Elliptic curve public key. And I need to create a SecKey object from it.

This question has been very useful to get RSA key parsing to work.

But I struggle adapting it to work with an EC key.

Example working with an RSA key

var secKeyCreateError : Unmanaged<CFError>?
    let stringPublicKey = Data(
        base64Encoded: "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAhT0OXGhPWpbrZBTIScIFQVooi/Qo/NyTYRnrIyZ42nksKCBeSOBu+FPOHCI5U4RUSc2cUOe83dyuKmboU2Kdc1dTq9HDAau3dhpE7VLzZKzMHay+8XW5V6kQJ2oOIGKJphsjJLDM5KxCr5etHEHE5rfrPIBZA0sgcvyT0TsavOAhr55Eu4U2fu8SefxM4CWobXKANiWbmSzzYbo2EIZrfhhe2RncwnH5kr0PMk6Q+kEcuRt58VyYoDAa7vRQvY+KDwxE81CCkIjKpJ55f4uN0/VDclXzFjK8FeOgIiH3n8KD6xqtkvmFc+M8tEJYlzdHWIRN7VoNqbn4IoevnziYhQIDAQAB"
    let peerPublicKey = SecKeyCreateWithData(
        stringPublicKey as CFData,
            kSecAttrKeyType as String: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
            kSecAttrKeyClass as String: kSecAttrKeyClassPublic,
        ] as CFDictionary,
else {
    NSLog("Failed to create SecKey : %@", secKeyCreateError!.takeRetainedValue().localizedDescription)

NSLog("SecKey successfully created")

Example failing with an EC key

var secKeyCreateError : Unmanaged<CFError>?
    let stringPublicKey = Data(
        base64Encoded: "MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAEhYvCTeKdth6ffyCKReeO7cJSfN94BfieZ/9zkE6sDFz/ZifyMkgeg7mq8XB4UYn7aSEcsnqFNswROLnU4NqVFbmGDi5wAI0jRazdskGFBf+0R/zIPozZgJOSrREMEqi7"
    let peerPublicKey = SecKeyCreateWithData(
        stringPublicKey as CFData,
            kSecAttrKeyType as String: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom,
            kSecAttrKeyClass as String: kSecAttrKeyClassPublic,
        ] as CFDictionary,
else {
    NSLog("Failed to create SecKey : %@", secKeyCreateError!.takeRetainedValue().localizedDescription)

NSLog("SecKey successfully created")

Execution returns the following logs :

[seckey] SecKeyCreate init(ECPublicKey) failed: -26275
Failed to create SecKey : The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -50 - EC public key creation from data failed)

For information, I used https://mkjwk.org/ to generate public keys.

What else did I try

I tried to extract the DER BIT STRING using ASN1Decoder and ASN1Swift without success.

Would you have any idea of what's going on with those EC keys ? Thanks a lot 🙏

CyonAlexRDX commented 1 year ago

@Chralu Base64 decoding (e.g using this online tool) your Base64encoded string "MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAEhYvCTeKdth6ffyCKReeO7cJSfN94BfieZ/9zkE6sDFz/ZifyMkgeg7mq8XB4UYn7aSEcsnqFNswROLnU4NqVFbmGDi5wAI0jRazdskGFBf+0R/zIPozZgJOSrREMEqi7" yields this hex:


Which ASN1 decoded

shows that you have specified the SECG Elliptic Curve Called secp384r1 which is also called P-384.

Looking at osstatus.com error -26275 is errSecInvalidKey

If I were you I would avoid Keychain APIs and use CryptoKit (or the open source variant swift-crypto) instead. With some Data+Hex conversion tool in Swift, this unit tests passes:

    func test_p384() throws {
        let der = "3076301006072A8648CE3D020106052B8104002203620004858BC24DE29DB61E9F7F208A45E78EEDC2527CDF7805F89E67FF73904EAC0C5CFF6627F232481E83B9AAF170785189FB69211CB27A8536CC1138B9D4E0DA9515B9860E2E70008D2345ACDDB2418505FFB447FCC83E8CD9809392AD110C12A8BB"
        let pubKey = try CryptoKit.P384.Signing.PublicKey(derRepresentation: Data(hex: der))
        XCTAssertEqual(pubKey.rawRepresentation.hex(), "858bc24de29db61e9f7f208a45e78eedc2527cdf7805f89e67ff73904eac0c5cff6627f232481e83b9aaf170785189fb69211cb27a8536cc1138b9d4e0da9515b9860e2e70008d2345acddb2418505ffb447fcc83e8cd9809392ad110c12a8bb")

So rawRepresentation (uncompressed: X || Y) of your public key is: 858bc24de29db61e9f7f208a45e78eedc2527cdf7805f89e67ff73904eac0c5cff6627f232481e83b9aaf170785189fb69211cb27a8536cc1138b9d4e0da9515b9860e2e70008d2345acddb2418505ffb447fcc83e8cd9809392ad110c12a8bb (in hex)

Chralu commented 1 year ago

@CyonAlexRDX Thank you for your help.

My question needs a bit more context about what I need to achieve.

My goal is to use YKFPIVSession -(void)calculateSecretKeyInSlot:(YKFPIVSlot)slot peerPublicKey:(SecKeyRef)peerPublicKey completion:(nonnull YKFPIVSessionCalculateSecretCompletionBlock)completion

If I understand correctly the documentation, I need a SecKeyRef object representing the peer public EC key.

That's why I'm trying to create a SecKeyRef from my PEM encoded public key.

CyonAlexRDX commented 1 year ago

@Chralu see https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/680572


you’re working with Security framework, use SecKeyCreateWithData to import an SECG key. If you have a secp256r1 public key in X9.63 format


Note I’m using secp256r1 as an example. The code in this section will work for the other SECG key types, secp384r1 and secp521r1.

Just so you know: P384 and secp384r1 is the same Curve

Chralu commented 1 year ago

Thank you @CyonAlexRDX , that forum post is a huge help 🙏

I'll use the Security Framework solution, to be compatible with iOS < 14.0. To get it work, I'll have to convert the public key from DER format to X9.63.

CyonAlexRDX commented 1 year ago

@Chralu use CrypoKit for DER -> X9.63 conversion!

Here is a DER initializer on P384.Signing.PublicKey

and then you can use this property to read out the data on x963Representation

Chralu commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, this is iOS14+ compatible 😔 I need a wider compatibility.

CyonAlexRDX commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, this is iOS14+ compatible 😔

I need a wider compatibility.

Then you can use open source version of CryptoKit! Swift-crypto, which has iOS13 support, check https://github.com/apple/swift-crypto/blob/main/Sources/Crypto/Key%20Agreement/ECDH.swift#L330

Chralu commented 1 year ago

Having troubles to use Swift-Crypto in a Cocoapods project (project is a Flutter plugin), I used ASN1Decoder to extract key data from DER.

import ASN1Decoder

class DerDecoder {
    func decodePublicKey(_ data: Data,  _ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?>?) -> SecKey? {
            let asn1 = try? ASN1DERDecoder.decode(data: data),
            let keyData = asn1.first?.sub(1)?.value as? Data
        else {
            return nil
        return SecKeyCreateWithData(
            keyData as CFData,
                kSecAttrKeyType as String: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom,
                kSecAttrKeyClass as String: kSecAttrKeyClassPublic,
            ] as CFDictionary,

var secKeyCreateError : Unmanaged<CFError>?
    let stringPublicKey = Data(
        base64Encoded: "MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAEhYvCTeKdth6ffyCKReeO7cJSfN94BfieZ/9zkE6sDFz/ZifyMkgeg7mq8XB4UYn7aSEcsnqFNswROLnU4NqVFbmGDi5wAI0jRazdskGFBf+0R/zIPozZgJOSrREMEqi7"
    let peerPublicKey = DerDecoder().decodePublicKey(
else {
    NSLog("Failed to create SecKey : %@", secKeyCreateError!.takeRetainedValue().localizedDescription)

NSLog("SecKey successfully created")