YudeWang / semantic-segmentation-codebase

Codebase for semantic segmentation experiments
MIT License
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Deeplabv3+voc does not train after loading the model #3

Open Carlisle-Liu opened 3 years ago

Carlisle-Liu commented 3 years ago

The deeplab v3 version does not train after loading the model. It's stuck at 0% forever as shown below:

(deeplab-yude) u6617221@anaconda:~/Models/semantic-segmentation-codebase/experiment/deeplabv3+voc$ python train.py /students/u6617221/Models/semantic-segmentation-codebase/model/resnet101s-03a0f310.pth loaded. Use 6 GPU 0%| | 0/30000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

xigua1025 commented 3 years ago

Hello, has the problem been solved? I have a similar problem. By the way, I used 4 GPUs.

zaiquanyang commented 1 year ago

I also find it very slow when training. image