In the face tracking process, the camera space is measured in decimetre, and we convert it to meter by downscaling.
The transformation matrix (rotation and translation) generated in tracking process is a 'canonical space to camera space' transformation. In NeRF, we need the 'camera space to canonical space' transformation, so we do inverse transformation (just 2-4).
Hi Yudong,
Thanks for the amazing work! I noticed that in the file, you have the following manipulation of rotation and transformation matrix:
I am wondering why you
trans = params_dict['trans'] / 10.0
,rot_inv = rot.permute(0, 2, 1)
,trans_inv = -torch.bmm(rot_inv, trans.unsqueeze(2))
,trans_inv = -torch.bmm(rot_inv, trans.unsqueeze(2))
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Thanks, Jeremy