Yue-Jiang / pzfx

Read and write 'Graphpad Prism' '.pzfx' files in R
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Fix parsing error for comma decimal separator #10

Closed Yue-Jiang closed 3 years ago

Yue-Jiang commented 3 years ago

Fixes #9 More info: https://www.graphpad.com/guides/prism/8/user-guide/using_decimal_format.htm

Decimal separator In some parts of the world, a period (point) is used as the decimal separator. In other parts of the world, a comma is used. When entering data into Prism, you can use either a period or a comma to mark the decimal point. When exporting data, Prism uses the separator you choose in the Export dialog. When pasting data, Prism uses the separator set in Preferences. When importing data, you can specify how a comma is interpreted (as a decimal separator, as a thousands separator, or to separate columns of data).