Yue-Jiang / pzfx

Read and write 'Graphpad Prism' '.pzfx' files in R
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Compatibility with GraphPad Prism 10's ".prism" extension #20

Open jpeuesden opened 2 months ago

jpeuesden commented 2 months ago


Thank you for this valuable and useful tool

GraphPad have recently released a new extension, ".prism" that supersedes ".pzfx"

These files are no longer compatible with the {pzfx} functions - e.g. below

Is there a plan/proposed workaround for handling these file types?

Kind regards, Jack

$> pzfx_tables(fileToRead)

Error in read_xml.character(path) : Start tag expected, '<' not found [4]
Biomiha commented 1 month ago

Hi Jack,

I came across the same issue. It seems that the new .prism file format was actually designed to be even more accessible and easier to parse but it's based mainly on json rather than xml. I've written a couple of smallish functions that should be able to parse at least xy tables. I have not done extensive testing by any stretch of the imagination so please kick the tyres and let me know if / when something breaks but hopefully they should get you started.

Best wishes, Miha