Yue-Jiang / pzfx

Read and write 'Graphpad Prism' '.pzfx' files in R
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Dates #4

Closed pbreheny closed 5 years ago

pbreheny commented 5 years ago

Very helpful package -- it seems like most fields import and are formatted correctly, except for dates. Instead of a date, those fields import as numeric values. I'm guessing this is in years, since some arbitrary date? Is it possible to import those as dates or strings?

Yue-Jiang commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting! I didn't know Prism supported dates, looks like it's something added since version 7: https://www.graphpad.com/guides/prism/7/user-guide/index.htm?xy_tables__x_represents_dates_.htm

In that case, would you mind supplying a small test file that has dates in it? That would be super helpful for me to trouble shoot. Embarrassingly I only have Prism 6 on my machine and my 30 day free trial for 8 has expired.

pbreheny commented 5 years ago

OK -- I e-mailed you an example file; please let me know if you do not receive it.

Yue-Jiang commented 5 years ago

Should be fixed on the master branch, at least with the file you provided:

> read_pzfx(path)
             X Var.2
1  16-Jan-2004   120
2   9-Apr-2009    64
3   1-Mar-2012    46
4  12-Apr-2012    51
5  26-Apr-2012    52

I'll give it another few days for more testing before closing.

Yue-Jiang commented 5 years ago

@pbreheny while you're here, also wanted to personally thank you for the excellent BIOS 7210 material - I owe a large portion of my understanding in survival analysis to the course material you made available. Much appreciated!

pbreheny commented 5 years ago

Great! This is working perfectly for me -- both for the file I sent you and for other files. Just a suggestion: you might consider an option to either import dates as strings or as numeric values. For this particular application, I needed the actual dates, but in many cases, the numeric values would be more convenient.

Survival: You're welcome! Glad to hear you found the material helpful.

Yue-Jiang commented 5 years ago

Sounds good - I added an option "date_x" that allows user to choose to import dates in X column as numeric value (I believe it's years from the first observation), character or both. Feel free to give it a try!