YuelangX / Multiview-3DMM-Fitting

Fitting 3DMM models to multiview (monocular) video data.
MIT License
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about performance against 3d-reconstruction on single image #3

Open lvZic opened 1 month ago

lvZic commented 1 month ago

thans for you work. I wonder the improvement compared with 3d-reconstruction on single image (3DMM-pytorch-fitting) ? And if there is any material or paper about the effect difference between multiview and single image ?

YuelangX commented 1 month ago

There's no improvements on single image fitting. It is just fast for multiview or monocular video fitting.

lvZic commented 1 month ago

There's no improvements on single image fitting. It is just fast for multiview or monocular video fitting.

so what's your opinion about model fitting by multi-view images, i mean the fitting by single image has low similarity with origin image, especially for asian people.

YuelangX commented 1 month ago

Compared to a single image, multi-view images provide a lot of additional stereo matching information, so in theory the fitting results will be much more accurate.