YuezhenQin / javase

Implement Data Structures and Algorithms (Sorting, Searching, Greedy, DP) from Sketch
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create a Github project #1

Closed YuezhenQin closed 8 months ago

YuezhenQin commented 8 months ago

As a developer, I can use Github Project to organize and prioritize my work.

YuezhenQin commented 8 months ago


YuezhenQin commented 8 months ago

Seven rules to create a successful plan,

  1. as early as possible to start 尽早启动
  2. frequently update 频繁
  3. specific 具体 (分析和数据来源需要非常具体)
  4. agreement 一致 (与利益相关者达成共识)
  5. milestone 里程碑 (使用 80/20 原则分配时间)
  6. concise 简洁 (只提前1-2星期准备细致的计划; 越简单越好; 一点一点来)
  7. reality 现实的 (计划是可管理的、现实的,否则就不能被使用)
YuezhenQin commented 7 months ago

I wrote a ticket, I moved the ticket from todo to doing, I converted that ticket to an issue, I completed that ticket, all done.

YuezhenQin commented 4 months ago


This highly illustrated, yet scholarly book will provide a history of Britain in 100 maps. In doing so, it will serve two main purposes. It will provide a history of the major themes in British history, notably geology, environmental change, human settlement, ecclesiastical development, industrialization, urbanization and modern socio-political developments.