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Arrays and strings #2

Closed YuezhenQin closed 6 months ago

YuezhenQin commented 8 months ago


  1. Two Pointers (双指针): two pointers refers to using two integer variables to move along some iterables.
  2. Sliding Window (滑动窗口)
  3. Prefix Sum (前缀结合)
YuezhenQin commented 8 months ago

Two pointers: two pointers refers to using two integer variables to move along some iterables.

  1. left, right: Move left and right towards each other until they meet. Example: isPalindrome(str) ; reverse(chars); Image

  2. i, j: Moved two pointers along two different inputs simultaneously until all elements have been checked. Example: merge(arr1, arr2); isSubsequence(str1, str2);


YuezhenQin commented 7 months ago

Sliding Window: Dynamic and Fixed Sliding Window

Sliding window: as we add and remove elements, we are "sliding" our window along the input from left to right. The window's size is constantly changing: right - left + 1.

Remember, the idea of a sliding window is to add elements by sliding to the right until the window violates the constraint. Once it does, we shrink the window from the left until it no longer violates the constraint.


Example: 1.given an array and k, find the length of the longest subarray whose sum is less than or equal to k. 2.given a binary string, find is the longest substring that contains at most one "0". 3.given an array and k, find the number of subarrays where the product of all the elements in the subarray is strictly less than k.

In the examples we looked at above, our window size was dynamic. Sometimes, a problem will specify a fixed length k.

As we mentioned before, we can build a window of length k and then slide it along the array. Add and remove one element at a time to make sure the window stays size k. If we are adding the value at i, then we need to remove the value at i - k. The total number of sliding windows is arr.length - k + 1.


YuezhenQin commented 7 months ago

Like two pointers, sliding windows work the same with arrays and strings - the important thing is that they're iterables with ordered elements. It is actually implemented using two pointers! Before we start, we need to talk about the concept of a subarray: Given an array, a subarray is a contiguous section of the array.

YuezhenQin commented 6 months ago

A subarray can be defined by two indices, the start and end. Let's call the starting index the left bound and the ending index the right bound. Another name for subarray in this context is "window".

YuezhenQin commented 6 months ago

When should we use sliding window?

YuezhenQin commented 6 months ago

Why is sliding window efficient?

For any array, how many subarrays are there? If the array has a length of n, there are n subarrays of length 1. Then there are n - 1 subarrays of length 2 (every index except the last one can be a starting index), n - 2 subarrays of length 3 and so on until there is only 1 subarray of length n. $$\sum_{k=1}^nk=\frac{n(1+n)}{2}$$

YuezhenQin commented 5 months ago

Prefix Sum 前缀结合

1.1 定义

Prefix sum: create an array, prefix[], where prefix[i] is the sum of all elements up to the index i.

1.2 计算方法

S_i = S_i-1 + a[i]


1.3 如何使用

For 1D array, the sum of the subarray from i to j, the answer is prefix[j] - prefix[i - 1], or prefix[j] - prefix[i] + nums[I]. For 2D array, ...

1.4 效果

It only costs O(n) to build but allows all future subarray queries to be O(1), so it can usually improve an algorithm's time complexity by a factor of O(n), where n is the length of the array.

1.5 Leetcode 练习

Solution523 Solution1292

1.6 Reference

[1] Introduction to Prefix Sum, USACO Guide

YuezhenQin commented 4 months ago


1.分解字符串: String.substring() 2.遍历字符串中的所有字符

YuezhenQin commented 3 months ago

Arrays.toString() Arrays.stream(arr).max().getAsInt();