YukMingLaw / ArduinoJoystickWithFFBLibrary

An Arduino Joystick Library With Force Feedback Feature
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Force Value reverses after hitting 255 #53

Open JonnyNOS opened 1 year ago

JonnyNOS commented 1 year ago

Hi, the force feedback works just fine, but if i turn the wheel really fast, the Force[0] value reverses back until it hits 0 and then into negative. It feels like a Variable overshoots and goes back down instead of having a limit.

In my code i just get the Force Value and tell the wheel to turn in the direction depending on positive or negative and how high the value is.

This is my setup:

//Setup void setup() {

define_can_messages(); pinMode(A3, INPUT); pinMode(A5, INPUT); Serial.begin(115200);

//Steering wheel

Joystick.setXAxisRange(0, 1023);
//set X Axis gains
mygains[0].totalGain = 100;//0-100                                                      //setting up everything
mygains[0].springGain = 100;//0-100
//mygains[0].damperGain = 100;
//mygains[0].inertiaGain = 10;
//enable gains REQUIRED

Joystick.begin(); Setup_MCP2515(); c = 0;


And this is the Signal for the Steering wheel:

//Lenkrad void Signal_Lenkrad() { int HighP = canMsg.data[1]; int LowP = canMsg.data[0]; uint16_t Position = (HighP << 8) + (LowP & 0xff); long corrPos = 0; corrPos = Position; if (canMsg.data[3] == 255) { corrPos = corrPos - 65535; }

Signalrdy = corrPos / 124 + 512; // Wandelt corrPos in Signal von 0 bis 1023 um

if (Signalrdy < 0) {          //
  Signalrdy = 0;              //
}                             // Setzen des Maximums des Lenkeinschlags auf 0 - 1023
else if (Signalrdy > 1023) {  //
  Signalrdy = 1023;           //
}                             //

int posChange = feedback + 255;

//set EffectParameters for force feedback myeffectparams[0].springMaxPosition = 1023; myeffectparams[0].springPosition = Signalrdy; //0 - 1023

// myeffectparams[0].damperMaxVelocity = 0; // myeffectparams[0].damperVelocity = 0;

//myeffectparams[0].inertiaMaxAcceleration = 512; //myeffectparams[0].inertiaAcceleration = posChange;

//myeffectparams[0].frictionMaxPositionChange = 255; //myeffectparams[0].frictionPositionChange = posChange;


//Joystick.getGains(); Joystick.setEffectParams(myeffectparams);
Joystick.getForce(forces); //get the forces of the Wheel Joystick.setXAxis(Signalrdy);


After that i just insert the forces[0] value into the motor. but the forces[0]value itself is overshooting like written above.

JonnyNOS commented 1 year ago

I found something in the Joystick.h file all the way at the bottom.

Mayby its something which could be fixed with the Limitation.

I mean right around this line: //it should be added some limition here,but im so tired,it's 2:24 A.M now!

//set gain functions
int16_t setGains(Gains* _gains){
    if(_gains != nullptr){

        //it should be added some limition here,but im so tired,it's 2:24 A.M now!

        m_gains = _gains;

        return 0;
    return -1;
//set effect params funtions
int16_t setEffectParams(EffectParams* _effect_params){
    if(_effect_params != nullptr){
        m_effect_params = _effect_params;
        return 0;
    return -1;


YukMingLaw commented 1 year ago

I add the value limit in my arduino code, not in the library code. I will analyze the reasonableness of adding output value restrictions to the code in the library, thank you for your feedback.

JonnyNOS commented 1 year ago

I found out it works fine. But in Assetto Corsa when the car starts to understeer, the forces(0) value goes down. I took the check from "enhance understeer effect" and its way better now.

I would need to get JUST the "understeer effect" seperately so i can add it to my motor to make it harder to steer when the car understeers. Is there any way to get these values out of the library?

Another thing would be my steering wheel being too snappy on low force(0) values, so it would be optimal if i can change the gain only for low values. But thats mainly a problem by the steering wheel itself

1781741527 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I would like to ask, have you ever encountered a situation where the force feedback done by this library will cause the game to drop frames in the game? Or freeze and dodge?