YukMingLaw / ArduinoJoystickWithFFBLibrary

An Arduino Joystick Library With Force Feedback Feature
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
208 stars 55 forks source link

Example file missing #9

Closed idrislaode closed 3 years ago

idrislaode commented 4 years ago

Hi. I cant find example joystickWithFFB file? its removed?

YukMingLaw commented 3 years ago

Hi, The example code was removed. You can refer to readme as a example code.

waggy685 commented 3 years ago

Same for me.

YukMingLaw commented 3 years ago

Hi,example code is added.https://github.com/YukMingLaw/ArduinoJoystickWithFFBLibrary/tree/master/examples/SingleJoystickFFB

Scatman96 commented 3 years ago

Hi, how to interface the example code with a DIY Yoke/Joystick or stepper/DC-motors/BLDC`s with encoders ?

i hope its "easy" to do.

Can i use the "forces[0] is the X-Axis force data " "forces[1] is the Y-Axis force data" directly for the motor ? or do i need some "math" ?

thanks you very much for your great Library

YukMingLaw commented 3 years ago

Hi, The forces[0] is a data in range[-255,255].So if you use a DC-motor,just use it as a PWM value,Ofcourse use absolute value. here is a sample:

if(forces[0] > 0){

If you use a BLDC-Motor or a steper-Motor,you should write some code to drive it.And bind this value forces[0] as the motor strength. Hopes it can help you.

Scatman96 commented 3 years ago

ok thank you very much :)

So I understand that the encoders are on the output side of the joystick and have nothing to do with the force feedback? only the position of the joystick? Right ? :D

storca commented 3 years ago


I think that there are some mistakes in the example code, I'll take a look in 2-3hrs and make a pull request.

Scatman96 commented 3 years ago

i also have problems compiling

SingleJoystickFFB:15:1: error: 'mygains' does not name a type mygains[0].springGain = 100;//0-100

idrislaode commented 3 years ago

how to set ffb for steering wheel?

idrislaode commented 3 years ago

i get error compiling

SingleJoystickFFB:14:1: error: 'mygains' does not name a type mygains[0].totalGain = 100;//0-100 ^~~ SingleJoystickFFB:15:1: error: 'mygains' does not name a type mygains[0].springGain = 100;//0-100 ^~~ C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_modified_sketch_694105\SingleJoystickFFB.ino: In function 'void loop()': SingleJoystickFFB:41:21: error: 'forces' was not declared in this scope Joystick.getForce(forces); ^~ C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_modified_sketch_694105\SingleJoystickFFB.ino:41:21: note: suggested alternative: 'fopen' Joystick.getForce(forces); ^~ fopen Using library ArduinoJoystickWithFFBLibrary-master at version 1.0.0 in folder: C:\Users\User\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduinoJoystickWithFFBLibrary-master exit status 1 'mygains' does not name a type

YukMingLaw commented 3 years ago

Hi,All. The new example code is available and successful in compiling.

Scatman96 commented 3 years ago

Hi,All. The new example code is available and successful in compiling.

Hi, could you comment on the codes so everyone knows what's going on there?


int value = analogRead(A2);

thank you very much for your fast correction of the example sketch