YukiGasai / obsidian-todo-widget

Android Widget to display todo list from markdown file
Apache License 2.0
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[Feature Request] Parse Obsidian Reminder dates and send notifications as reminders #2

Open FaintWhisper opened 1 year ago

FaintWhisper commented 1 year ago

Hello, I was wondering if it's feasible to include a feature that scans files and extracts Obsidian Reminder dates, like the ones in the default format: @(DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm), and then sends notifications when the selected date arrives. Is this something that can be added? It will be a tremendously useful feature and will make the app more complete.

YukiGasai commented 1 year ago

Hi, I added the reminder function. You should be able to use all the date formats the Obsidian Reminder Plugin supports. I additionally added just the @hh:mm option that will default to the current day.


You will have to reinstall the app and reconfigure the widget. Depending on your Android Version, you will get asked to allow Notifications in the main app.


I did not yet test the reliability of the notifications. Currently, the notifications get queued by the widget itself. There may be some Android sleep function or Battery Saving mode that prevents the notification to fire. If there is no widget, there will be no notifications.


The widget should check for updated files every 30 Minutes on its own. During this process, new Reminders will be set. The best option is to manually update the widget.

FaintWhisper commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much!

I really appreciate all the work you are doing. I am finding this incredibly helpful and with the reminder notifications feature, it will be even more so.

Having the ability to receive reminder notifications on Android, in particular, has been something the community has been asking for a long time, and has been a crucial missing piece in my task management workflow with Obsidian, so I'm thrilled that it's finally here. So, thanks again!

We can leave this issue open for people to report any bugs they find regarding this functionality, or you can close it if you want. As you prefer.

YukiGasai commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your nice feedback. Let's keep this issue open, I doubt that everything works from the start ^^.

YukiGasai commented 1 year ago

Problem: If a task with reminder is deleted, the notification should be canceled as well.

FaintWhisper commented 1 year ago

I have not yet been able to test this functionality, as currently the TODOs are not visible within the widget for me; instead, only the text "No todos" is displayed. It's strange, especially considering that I tried without success to test it using a basic Markdown file identical to the one in the demo linked in the README, as well as inside a newly created vault in case some plugin was the problem.

Despite this issue, I have noticed that I am able to successfully open the file by clicking on the heading at the top of the widget, which suggests that the problem may not be related to an incorrect file path.

My tests were done using a Markdown file incorporating a date template formatted as {{dd}}-{{MM}}-{{yyyy}}} and using the latest version available. I also made sure that the file permission access was granted. It should be noted that my folder path contains spaces, but I also experimented with removing these spaces without success.

Is there a log generated by the app where I can check what is the cause of the problem?

YukiGasai commented 1 year ago

Currently, there is no log. I will look into this. My guess on this issue is a trailing space or something like that. If you can open obsidian at the file, check the obsidian popup states, Opened file.... If you have updated the app, please try and clear all data and cache.

hh commented 1 year ago

@YukiGasai note that:

@hh:mm Will tag me!

Note sure I have the context or expertise or context to help directly, so I'll have to step aside and let folks smarter than me lend you a hand. ;)

However you need help getting open source software on hardware or bringing up cooperative dev environments, let me know.


YukiGasai commented 1 year ago

Thank you, sorry for that @ 😅

YukiGasai commented 1 year ago

@RYSKZ I added basic logging that hopefully indicates a problem. The log should be written to /Documents/todo-widget-log/. From what I was able to find, a real debugging should be done using logcat on a pc.

YukiGasai commented 11 months ago

Hi @RYSKZ, if the reminders work for you now, then I think we can close this issue.

FaintWhisper commented 11 months ago

Hi @RYSKZ, if the reminders work for you now, then I think we can close this issue.

Sorry for the delay in replying. Unfortunately, I am still unable to test the functionality, as the widget is still not working. I have followed your suggested steps, such as checking the trailing spaces and clearing the application cache and data, but the problem persists :(

I plan to examine the logs when I have some free time to find out what may be causing the problem. If I can't figure it out, I'll open another issue for this other problem in case you or somebody else can help me with the troubleshooting.

Feel free to close this issue, as the problem I'm facing is not related to the remainders, and if I or anyone else finds a problem with this in the future, we can always reopen it and take a look at it.