Yukkuricraft / YakumoDash

Webtool for managing all Yukkuricraft software infrastructure
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Implement "Container Filesystem Editor" #12

Open remiscarlet opened 1 year ago

remiscarlet commented 1 year ago

Probably a new page

Editing/configuring actual minecraft server should probably be its own page rather than a popup/modal dialog.

Should this be valid on all containers? Just MC containers?

Closely tied with #13. Really, a subset of it.

remiscarlet commented 1 year ago

2931c3e35b660aca8b3ceb1bb979c4e96ffe7a07 implements first pass functionality of exploring and editing files. Needs a lot more UI work.

remiscarlet commented 1 year ago

b3a95d8b61e281c844a3434d788a165fe14e3b28 implements nav drawer with env, config type, and config extra param selection.