Yukkuricraft / YakumoDash

Webtool for managing all Yukkuricraft software infrastructure
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Server Web Console per Container #8

Closed remiscarlet closed 1 year ago

remiscarlet commented 1 year ago

Sockets? Streams?

Implement a read-only console first. Worry about writes later.

remiscarlet commented 1 year ago

e252993373d51ff897c55fd792d8c9d61f37706f Starts to implement this

remiscarlet commented 1 year ago


remiscarlet commented 1 year ago


Fix latent bugs with socketio connect/disconnect usage. Generally speaking, only have a socketio connection live when needed (server console dialog open)

remiscarlet commented 1 year ago


Basic two-way comms implemented. You can now send commands to the server console via SocketIO.

This finishes the MVP for server console. Additional fixes/features should be separate issues.