Yuliang-Lee / vue2-smooth-scroll

:surfer:Simple vue smooth scroll
MIT License
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Running the app on IE11 causes error: Expected Identifier #31

Closed djurdjen closed 2 years ago

djurdjen commented 4 years ago

First of all, thanks for making this awesome package!

I found a bug when updating to version 1.5.0 causes the following console error in IE11: Expected Identifier in the chunk-vendors.js Not much else is being shown

Yuliang-Lee commented 4 years ago

Would you mind providing the file chunk-vendors.js

xfdrer commented 4 years ago

IE breaks on this line

function _smoothScroll({

It seems to babel does not transpile this plugin (only this, others are ok)

ItsMeDelanoDev commented 3 years ago

I concur, including the plugin directly fails for IE11. Copying the src of the plugin 1:1 into our plugin file will resolve the issues automatically on build time with Babel. I have found no time yet to investigate as of why and what is causing the issue.

Using Nuxt 2.14.7. Running plugin client side only.

Jaloko commented 3 years ago

Having the same issue. I've rolled back to 1.4.2 as it seems to work fine.

Yuliang-Lee commented 3 years ago

I think this problem may be cause by https://github.com/Yuliang-Lee/vue2-smooth-scroll/issues/44 as well, try upgrade to v1.5.1. I apologise with my careless