Closed ZhuLingfeng1993 closed 5 years ago
Extra GT x, y minimum and maximum of circumscirbed rectangle are only used for the circumscribed rectangle regression branch (better in netscope visulization): layer { bottom: "conv_new_1" top: "rfcn_bbox" name: "rfcn_bbox" type: "Convolution" convolution_param { num_output: 392 # 24(7^2) cls_numcors(score_maps_size^2) kernel_size: 1 pad: 0 weight_filler { type: "gaussian" std: 0.01 } bias_filler { type: "constant" value: 0 } } param { lr_mult: 1.0 } param { lr_mult: 2.0 } }
As for encode 0. We find when using LSTM units, the head of the time sequence converges very slow, which can be solved by padding two encode 0 sequences. If you try adding four encode 0, it will show similar results as using two.
BTW, the paper does not reach every aspect of a matter, and if anything that confuses you please feel free to let me know.
Hope this helps.
Regards, yl
Thank you for your reply.
I find that regression target in function
is:which is different from the form of parameterized offset in equation (1) of paper. Can you explain this?
On the other hand, I can't understand the function of four extra regressing items: the x,y minimum and maximum of the circumscribed rectangle, and I find they are just encode 0 in regression targets, I hope you can help me to understand this.