YuliangXiu / ECON

[CVPR'23, Highlight] ECON: Explicit Clothed humans Optimized via Normal integration
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blender issue in Quick Start #111

Closed yxsysu closed 6 months ago

yxsysu commented 7 months ago

Hi, thanks for your great work. I am surprised by the experimental results. I follow the Quick Start but I encounter a error.

# 1. Use HybrIK-X to estimate SMPL-X pose sequences from input video
# 2. Rig ECON's reconstruction mesh, to be compatible with SMPL-X's parametrization (-dress for dress/skirts).
# 3. Animate with SMPL-X pose sequences obtained from HybrIK-X, getting <file_name>_motion.npz
# 4. Render the frames with Blender (rgb-partial texture, normal-normal colors), and combine them to get final video

python -m apps.avatarizer -n <file_name>
python -m apps.animation -n <file_name> -m <motion_name>

# Note: to install missing python packages into Blender
# blender -b --python-expr "__import__('pip._internal')._internal.main(['install', 'moviepy'])"

wget https://download.is.tue.mpg.de/icon/econ_empty.blend
blender -b --python apps.blender_dance.py -- normal <file_name> 10 > /tmp/NULL

In the last step of blender, the program broke down with error `unable to open a display''. The problem is in line 112 of blender_dance.py: bpy.ops.render.render(use_viewport=True, write_still=True) I use blender2.82 in linux (only terminal without remote desktop), and install many packages (openGL and so forth). I confirm that I usedblender -b xxxxx`, but the error still exists. It is my first time to run a 3D project. I do not know how to fix this and get the video results. Could you give me some hints?

yxsysu commented 7 months ago


YuliangXiu commented 7 months ago

Please refer to Blender Render to enable the headless rendering, or set up the blender on a machine with a display.

chris-hndz commented 6 months ago

Hola @yxsysu !

Sorry for my ignorance, but how can you extract the estimated SMPL-X pose sequences from input video with HybrIK-X into a file? How can you generate the SMPL-X pose sequences obtained from HybrIK-X, getting _motion.npz ?

I managed to run HybrIK-X on a video with the command:

python scripts/demo_video_x.py --video-name examples/dance.mp4 --out-dir res_dance --save-pk --save-img

But this only generates a video from SMPL-X about the person in the video, and a folder with the image sequence of the original video, but does not generate any *.npz file.

Thanks in advance for your help! 😄

chris-hndz commented 6 months ago

OK, I've figures out what to do...

1) Use the correct repository

2) Update the blender addon:

I hope this will be useful to other people.