YuliangXiu / ECON

[CVPR'23, Highlight] ECON: Explicit Clothed humans Optimized via Normal integration
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Installing on windows #16

Closed carlosedubarreto closed 1 year ago

carlosedubarreto commented 1 year ago

I manage to isntall on windows and I was getting all the data ready to share, but I've got to stop to solve other issues on other projects, so, to have something avilalble, I'm sharing here the parts that I took note that might help other having problems installing ECON.

Probably the biggest problem is intalling Pythorch3d To do that, it was actually simple, since you followed good directions, like the one in this link https://stackoverflow.com/a/74913303/9473295

In summary, you need to, install Visual studio community 2019 with the C++ librarires,

using conda, create your venv, with python 3.8 (i think i had problems with python 3.9) coudl be something like this conda create -n econ python=3.8

then you activate it conda activate econ

then install these conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia and conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge fvcore iopath

I think you dont need to load the VS Native command tools image

but in case you need to, it must be loaded after you activate the econ venv (with the previous packages already installed) to do that you could, in CMD pront, execute this line of command

%comspec% /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"

before you press enter it will looks something like this image

and after pressing enter, it might look like this image

then get the pytorch3d package using

git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d.git image

enter pytorch3d folder cd pytorch3d python setup.py install image

Probably you will receive this error image

You just have to put this command: set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1


and run again python setup.py install

It will take A LOT OF TIME to finish and it will show something like this image

After it has finished, you can install the rest of python packages. There are two other packeges you need to install inside econ folder. they are at

D:\AI\econ\ECON\lib\common\libmesh and D:\AI\econ\ECON\lib\common\libvoxelize

you should go inside each of those two folders and type python setup.py install

After executing python setup.py installfor libmesh image

After executing python setup.py installfor libvoxelize image

I think those were the most problematic part of the intalation (before it was a pain to isntall pypoisson, but luckly the amazing author manages to use another solution, so we dont have to suffer with that 😀

carlosedubarreto commented 1 year ago

This issie was just to show the problems I had and how to solve them. For this I'm closing the issue. Hope it helps

nghorbani commented 1 year ago

Kudos for sharing your experience! just out of curiosity, why not WSL?

YuliangXiu commented 1 year ago

Kudos for sharing your experience! just out of curiosity, why not WSL?

Hi @nghorbani here is another introduction about how to install ECON in windows


carlosedubarreto commented 1 year ago

Kudos for sharing your experience! just out of curiosity, why not WSL?

In my case I could not use WSL, since I was going to make an addon for blender, I had to make it fully on windows.