YunYang1994 / TensorFlow2.0-Examples

🙄 Difficult algorithm, Simple code.
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Custom Object Detection with TF & YOLOV3 #3

Open pkr97 opened 5 years ago

pkr97 commented 5 years ago

Hey, thanks for the repo. Is it possible for you to provide a tutorial or instruction sheet for custom object detection? I would like to use TF2.x and YOLOV3.

I'm a new learner and want to train with my custom dataset. Can you provide some insight also about real-time object detection with CPU or using a dedicated embedded system like Pi or Jetson Nano?


YunYang1994 commented 5 years ago

No worries! I am working on it...

pkr97 commented 5 years ago

Thanks. I'm actively looking forward to use it. I assume that you will provide the steps as soon as possible. Thanks..

YunYang1994 commented 5 years ago

Work Completed! but it seems that tf.keras is much slower than tf. Do you have any idea about it ?

pkr97 commented 5 years ago

Actually I have got no idea about these things. I'm a beginner and starting now. Hope you find some help some how. link here

Shame-fight commented 5 years ago

请问tf.keras比tf慢多少?现在可以用tf2.0训练自己的数据集吗,如果可以训练 步骤和1.x的一样吗

yuntai commented 5 years ago

请问tf.keras比tf慢多少?现在可以用tf2.0训练自己的数据集吗,如果可以训练 步骤和1.x的一样吗

around 35%