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Change css file #91

Closed lawbyte closed 4 years ago

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

How to add css file, in source/css I don't find it the css file in here

lawbyte commented 4 years ago


YunYouJun commented 4 years ago

You can find some file with .styl here. They are stylus file. Stylus is a language to write css. Of course, you can write css directly in it. More info about stylus here.

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

I want to add font awesome css.. But I don't know how I add this :"(

YunYouJun commented 4 years ago

Yeah, css cdn here.

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

I just add css font awesome in _config.yml, but not working when I add fa-whatsapp in icon.. Why?

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

2019_12_23_15_18_05 2019_12_23_15_18_44

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

2019_12_23_15_30_59 And I want change this text "我们一日日度过的所谓日常,实际上可能是接连不断的奇迹。 —— 《日常》" how I can change?

YunYouJun commented 4 years ago

Change words here.

YunYouJun commented 4 years ago

I think you missed fab before fa-whatsapp about icon. Double-check how to use fontawesome.

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

Yeah, before fa-whatsapp, I put fa fa-whatsapp but not working :"(

YunYouJun commented 4 years ago

fab not fa I have test it and success. 😄

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

That's cool, thanks :* Oh ya, when i delete all Post in _posts, Why nothing has changed on the home page

YunYouJun commented 4 years ago

Are you sure that you regenerate by hexo and restart it?

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

When I delete all post in _posts, then I try to check again on the home page, nothing changes or all posts are not deleted, why ??

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

Ok this is work if I delete all in _posts/path/*

But after that, I get error.. 2019_12_23_19_01_27

YunYouJun commented 4 years ago

You can try

If it does n’t work, then I can do nothing.

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

Thanks it's work :* Oh ya, how to reset viewers count in footer? And I want to add text in footer after viewers count, [ In bottom after viewers count ]

YunYouJun commented 4 years ago

I write some config, you can see here.

Viewers count will be reset if you publish it.

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

I want to edit your name to my name, in comments.. You can comment with GitHub or Valine if you dont have github account。 GITALK or VALINE Related Issues not found

Please contact @YunYouJun to initialize the comment

How to edit this?

YunYouJun commented 4 years ago


In fact, many config can be found in source/_data/starry.yml.

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

I just edit in source/_data/starry.yml But nothing change in my localhost..

lawbyte commented 4 years ago


YunYouJun commented 4 years ago

Maybe you didn't config client id and secret? More config info see gitalk.

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I want to configure algolia, but when I'm already on the algolia dashboard, I don't know what to do, I've got the appid & secret key,

lawbyte commented 4 years ago

How to configure algolia?

YunYouJun commented 4 years ago

You can ref this | theme-next.