Yunfan-Li / Contrastive-Clustering

Code for the paper "Contrastive Clustering" (AAAI 2021)
MIT License
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关于代码的运行 #38

Open zhangyuanyang21 opened 1 year ago

zhangyuanyang21 commented 1 year ago

你好,我想问下,我用的是window的系统,用pycharm运行,只出现Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified,请问这是怎么回事呢?我想跑几个数据集和你的方法做对比实验,请问你可以提供一些帮助吗?

Yunfan-Li commented 1 year ago


zhangyuanyang21 commented 1 year ago

后面是Process finished with exit code 0,应该是运行结束了

Yunfan-Li commented 1 year ago


zhangyuanyang21 commented 1 year ago


seed: 42 workers: 8 dataset_dir: "./datasets"

train options

batch_size: 128 image_size: 224 start_epoch: 1000 epochs: 1000 dataset: "CIFAR-10" # CIFAR-10 / CIFAR-100 / STL-10 / ImageNet-10 / ImageNet-dogs / tiny-ImageNet

model options

resnet: "ResNet34" # ResNet18 / ResNet34 / ResNet50 feature_dim: 128 model_path: "save/CIFAR-10" reload: False

loss options

learning_rate: 0.0003 weight_decay: 0. instance_temperature: 0.5 cluster_temperature: 1.0 这个config的配置我没有动还是默认的

Yunfan-Li commented 1 year ago


zhangyuanyang21 commented 1 year ago

你好,将start_epoch设置为0后,报错RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 26.00 MiB (GPU 0; 8.00 GiB total capacity; 7.13 GiB already allocated; 0 bytes free; 7.31 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF,但是其实我的GPU是够用的

Yunfan-Li commented 1 year ago


zhangyuanyang21 commented 1 year ago
